Musings from Maine


We were delighted to have our son and family with us for several days. With our lively granddaughters, 5 and not quite 1 ½, in residence, reading, writing, and other activities were shelved. E and I made blueberry pancakes (a tradition and each year she is more capable and engaged in the enterprise); we drew and colored with the markers I acquired (she’s good at art), and together (mostly her) we invented and played out innumerable scenarios with her growing collection of Calico Critters (her imagination goes into overdrive). F was somewhat engaged with our colorful oversized Lego-like blocks—could snap them together and smiled as she knocked down every tower—and also wandered about exploring and observing, always keeping one or both parents in view. These were just the inside activities.  

Outside, the rocky coastline and flat pebbly sand were a draw for both girls. E focused on collecting sea glass, pretty shells and a variety of colored rocks and engaged with some neighbor kids. F discovered this new world by running her fingers through the sand, picking up and examining small bits, and even putting her face down into a wee tide pool. The other highlight of their visit (“the best day ever!” said E) was our trip to the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. We go every year and E was anticipating it before she arrived.

Their children’s garden is fabulous! The little playhouse with child-size table and chairs along with wooden appliances stocked with kitchen equipment and play food is always a hit as was the story barn. In the barn, E made a beeline for the puppet theater and F located a broom and swept the floor and swept again. Dad also read several stories from the well-chosen selection of garden-related pictture books while Grandpa and Grandma gazed on fondly! I think it’s fair to say, “a good time was had by all.”



I like making the rounds at the weekly farmers’ market. The vendors are arrayed in a big circle on the town green, and while mostly it’s produce and flowers, there are also a basket maker, cheese mongers, a coffee purveyor, several pastry and bread stands, seafood and sausage vendors, an Asian prepared food booth, and an artist who sells her notecards.

I’ve been noting how colorful some of the produce is and one vendor in particular who pays meticulous attention to how his vegetables are arranged. There’s artistry in the results. Here’s a sampling of some of these colors.


2 thoughts to “Musings from Maine”

  1. Sounds like a great time on all levels! As usual, I love the colors. “My” market, here in Newtown usually has cherry tomatoes of all different colors, and so I was disappointed today – hadn’t been there for a while – when they only had red. Not sure what’s going on there.
    Enjoy your last week. “Best day ever” is the best!!

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