Maine Time: Mostly Granddaughters


Even since she could say, ‘”grandma,” our younger granddaughter F, now almost two and a half, has called both me and the Chief Penguin that name.  This visit, she finally got it right and for a few days, he was “GrandPA” and then became just Grandpa.  We are now differentiated and she always wants to know “Where’s Grandpa?” if he isn’t right there with us.  F’s language continued to explode over the five days here with more sentences, more new words, questions like what’s that, and statements such as “I’m hungry” or “water dancing” in reference to the slightly shifting water in the cove. She likes books and being read to, can happily play by herself with her baby doll—changing her and carrying on a steady conversation or singing to her—and is a great builder with blocks, magnetic tiles and even small Legos.  She almost always has a ready smile, is fearless and physically bold (too much so) but being two, also a bit stubborn and wanting to do things herself.

Her older sister, E, is six and excited about starting first grade. She is reading a lot, both simple books and shorter chapter books.  A current favorite is the Ivy and Bean series.  E is very creative and likes art projects that involve drawing and cutting out objects and paper dolls.  She and I made a paper doll family, mother, father, big sister and little sister, and then drew and cut out suitcases, beach towels, and food items for them to take on vacation.  Earlier we did all the trappings of a birthday party—birthday cake, cups of lemonade, and goodie bags as well as pizza, cupcakes and doughnuts for refreshments–using just paper, crayons, and tape.  I’m the least artistic of my sisters, and both of them who are more so, would enjoy these draw, cut and color exercises!

When not engaged in art or books, we all visited the local alpaca farm (a hit), spent several hours at the botanical garden in their children’s area (fabulous!), shopped at the bookstore, walked the footbridge and ate ice cream in town, collected rocks and shells on the rocky shore, and watched while the girls and their dad braved Maine’s cold waters in a small cove and then romped in a nearby swimming pool. 

Meals were mostly at home and planned (not seriously planned) to be rustled together quickly.  E. was a good helper at mealtime and loved what she called, “make your own lunch,” basically a buffet of choices on the kitchen island. It also re-appeared as make your own breakfast and even make your own dinner.  One can perform culinary “miracles” with frozen meatballs and jarred tomato basil sauce with some cheese ravioli on the side!

Grandchildren wake up early; fortunately, the C. P. and I are early to rise also.  The little feet came pattering downstairs by 6:00 am, if not before, and I could guarantee that there would be voices greeting me as soon as I emerged to see about breakfast.  Lively, fun, and a real treat to have them here!  I think we stored up lots of good memories.



#19 Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou

Smart and blond with big blue eyes and a manufactured husky voice, Elizabeth Holmes’ idea for a finger stick blood testing device intrigued her Stanford professor mentor.  Dropping out of college at 19, she founded her own company, modeled herself on Steve Jobs, and wielding charm and charisma, convinced a number of wealthy, older prominent men to invest in Theranos and join its board.  None of these board members (all seemed to be male) had any medical or scientific background and hence didn’t possess the knowledge to evaluate her product. A detailed account of how Holmes cajoled, lied and hoodwinked investors and company staff, it is unputdownable and reads like a novel!

Elizabeth and her number two, Sunny, who was also her boyfriend, ruled with an iron hand creating a very toxic work environment.   She frequently fired individuals who raised doubts or asked questions; he bullied and harassed the staff and was often the one carrying out the dismissals.  Security was extreme, there was no cross communication between departments, and Elizabeth was routinely misleading in presentations to possible vendors such as Walgreens and Safeway.  Not only was she marketing a device that gave false and misleading results to patients, she also deceived her board.

A sad case is that of George Schultz and his grandson Tyler.  Tyler briefly worked for Theranos and had issues about the device and the company which he shared with his grandfather.  His grandfather sided with Elizabeth and became estranged from Tyler. It took a long time, but ultimately, thanks to this author, a Wall Street Journal  reporter, who gained access to a number of brave individuals and then wrote the first articles for his newspaper, the truth was revealed.


Note:  All photos ©JWFarrington (some rights reserved) 

Musings from Maine


We were delighted to have our son and family with us for several days. With our lively granddaughters, 5 and not quite 1 ½, in residence, reading, writing, and other activities were shelved. E and I made blueberry pancakes (a tradition and each year she is more capable and engaged in the enterprise); we drew and colored with the markers I acquired (she’s good at art), and together (mostly her) we invented and played out innumerable scenarios with her growing collection of Calico Critters (her imagination goes into overdrive). F was somewhat engaged with our colorful oversized Lego-like blocks—could snap them together and smiled as she knocked down every tower—and also wandered about exploring and observing, always keeping one or both parents in view. These were just the inside activities.  

Outside, the rocky coastline and flat pebbly sand were a draw for both girls. E focused on collecting sea glass, pretty shells and a variety of colored rocks and engaged with some neighbor kids. F discovered this new world by running her fingers through the sand, picking up and examining small bits, and even putting her face down into a wee tide pool. The other highlight of their visit (“the best day ever!” said E) was our trip to the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. We go every year and E was anticipating it before she arrived.

Their children’s garden is fabulous! The little playhouse with child-size table and chairs along with wooden appliances stocked with kitchen equipment and play food is always a hit as was the story barn. In the barn, E made a beeline for the puppet theater and F located a broom and swept the floor and swept again. Dad also read several stories from the well-chosen selection of garden-related pictture books while Grandpa and Grandma gazed on fondly! I think it’s fair to say, “a good time was had by all.”



I like making the rounds at the weekly farmers’ market. The vendors are arrayed in a big circle on the town green, and while mostly it’s produce and flowers, there are also a basket maker, cheese mongers, a coffee purveyor, several pastry and bread stands, seafood and sausage vendors, an Asian prepared food booth, and an artist who sells her notecards.

I’ve been noting how colorful some of the produce is and one vendor in particular who pays meticulous attention to how his vegetables are arranged. There’s artistry in the results. Here’s a sampling of some of these colors.


Boothbay Bits


We happened upon a PBS Mystery series last week called “Breathless.”  A three-parter set in England in the 60’s, it features a set of louche and callous medicos who practice obstetrics and perform back alley abortions.  The women are all either beautiful or flighty (or treated as such) and the men full of testosterone-fueled superiority.  The lead, Dr. Powell, does have a mysterious past, but it takes some time before that becomes apparent.  Overall, “Breathless” is a wonderfully realized period piece that will make you scowl and wince while simultaneously luring you in.


The Boothbay Region Land Trust supports a network of preserves in the area open to the public with trails and paths that range in difficulty from easy and moderate to challenging.   The longest ones are 2.75 and 3.7 miles.

Last week, with my sister and brother-in-law, we did one of the trails at Porter Preserve on Barter’s Island which has a number of marked vistas that take you onto the rocks or at least overlooking them and the water. This trail was marked “easy” and last year we did one version of it with our then 3-year old granddaughter who navigated much of it on foot before resorting to her father’s shoulders.

This time we took more offshoots to explore more views and spent about an hour on the white trail with some blue diversions. I think the trail markings have been enhanced since our last visit and perhaps the trail lengthened.  Trail maps are available in the small parking area and are a handy reference. Basically, the main trail is a big loop around the acreage.



We have re-located to a new house for the second half of our Maine time. It has a totally different vibe and I feel as if I’ve gone from suburbia to the wilds. The first house was a comfortable modular one with lots of lawn and a sizable flower garden extending to a cove at the front edge of the property and at the back, beyond the garden, the open ocean.  This new house is part of a cluster of houses on the east side of the island and is situated right on the rocks. It was built in the 70’s and is more old Maine than the previous one, with even more spectacular ocean views.    A lovely stretch of rocks, almost flat in places, remains exposed even at high tide and is perfect for the nimble explorer. All day and even at night, one hears the lapping of the waves and can watch an approaching storm close up.  There are two lovely screened porches, one for dining. off the living room, and one above on the corner off the bedrooms, the ideal place to laze on a chaise and read.



This week our house was made lively with a visit from our son and daughter-in-law and their two daughters, now ages 4 and 4 months. E is a busy little girl, full of ideas, and always ready to move on to the next activity.  She was a great assistant chef for blueberry pancakes, adding the liquid to the batter, stirring it, dropping the batter in the pan and then topping each pancake with additional berries.

Together we colored in her coloring book, read several new books (multiple times for each), played with her ballerina doll, navigated two games of Old Maid, and watched her try out her pink shark bubble machine which produced a stream of tiny bubbles to a Chinese tune.   (This was her grandparents succumbing to a very nice and, obviously persuasive, street vendor in front of the Whitney Museum in May). In addition we re-visited the botanic garden, one of her favorite places from last year. This year she watched two puppet shows (one for older campers about pollination) and presented a brief show of her own.

Baby F  is full of smiles and very squirmy as she seems to want to take off on her own.  On the floor, she rolled over for only the second and third time, but couldn’t quite figure out how to get her other arm unstuck from underneath. She watches everything closely and finds her big sister a source of delight and laughter.

Photos by JWFarrington (some rights reserved)