Escaping the Pandemic: Reading & Eating

Covid-19 has limited activities for most everyone to some extent.  Those of us who are more vulnerable are spending more time at home, not dining out, and not going to concerts or plays.  What do we do?  If you’re an avid reader like me, then you might tackle several of those tomes you’ve always been meaning to read—or delve into a thriller chiller.  This week I did the latter.  And if you like to eat, then you may be spending more time cooking for yourself and your spouse.  The Chief Penguin and I have trotted out old favorites like Pierre Franey’s emince de veau a la crème (veal in cream sauce with ham), only this time replacing the veal with strips of chicken.  And we’ve tried new recipes like a hearty lentil soup and the pizzas described below.


Atomic Love by Jennie Fields

This novel about a female scientist set in 1950 is a wonderful change of pace from the corona virus.  Rosalind Porter was a lone woman among the many men who worked on the Manhattan Project.  Beset by doubts after the dropping of the bomb, she is now working the jewelry counter in Marshall Field’s in Chicago.  An FBI agent approaches her and asks her to get back involved with Thomas Weaver, her former lover and a scientist suspected of passing secrets to the Russians.  

Agent Charlie is persistent, and Rosalind becomes immersed in a game of tell me, don’t tell me, surveillance, and even danger.  Mixed in are loner Roz’s complicated relationship with Louisa, her much older sister, and her devotion to her niece Ava.  Roz and Charlie have both been damaged by the war, physically and mentally, and come to recognize each other as kindred spirits.  A page-turner of an historical novel!

Fields is also the author of a novel about Edith Wharton entitled The Age of Desire, which I enjoyed several years ago.


Explaining how to work the pizza dough

But, not with Dinah.  With the Chief Penguin, who also happens to be an experienced baker.  Multi-grain and oatmeal breads, bran muffins, and now—pizza!  He’s made pizzas from scratch before, but recently he purchased a bag of Italian 00 flour.  It’s the preferred superfine flour for thin crust pizzas. Now he’s in his element.  First experiments were traditional margherita pizzas (tomato, mozzarella, and fresh basil).  

Into the oven

The other evening, first out of the oven was a pizza of chicken on barbecue sauce with red onion. Next was a pizza with the luscious combination of gorgonzola (thank you, Publix!), caramelized onions, and walnuts, topped with arugula leaves.  Yum! 

Finished product—ready to eat!

After that, who would need dessert?  Not a serious question since it’s fall, and apple crisp is perfect.  His apple crisp was made with Granny Smith apples and maple syrup instead of brown sugar.  Double yum!


Next week brings Thanksgiving Day.  In this strange time of staying at a distance, I am especially thankful for continued good health, great friends, and a loving family!  May your Thanksgiving holiday be a safe and healthy one however you may spend it.

Note: All photos ©JWFarrington (some rights reserved).